Tuesday, September 2, 2008

If I were a Disney character I would be Ariel from The Little Mermaid. For those who haven npt seen the film Ariel is a mermaid with the dream of falling in love with a human boy. In order to achieve her goal she gives her voice up to the evil octopus in exchange for being human. Altho some night argue that she was foolish for risking her life for a boy, i would say she was not. She gave up a part of herself for what her heart truly wanted. 
From the very beginning of the movie Ariel is in love with Prince Eric but he does not know she exists. Ariel knew that the feelings she had for Eric were unlike anything else she had ever experienced. She did not know if Eric loved her back but she still risked everything to follow her heart. Even tho it is a Disney movie i believe that this kind of love exists. I think that weather you know it or not every one has someone out there like Prince Eric. The only way to find that person it to take a risk.
I do not feel like many people today have the determination Ariel had. She gave up everything in her life to experience love and I would like to find that love. I would not literally want to be a mermaid but i would like to have her drive to accomplish my life goals, be open to new experiences, and find my prince. 

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